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I am a clinical mental health counseling student, a Certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, and a Certified Personal Trainer. I am an entrepreneur, an Enneagram Type 3, a writer, a speaker, and an extrovert. I love Jesus, weightlifting, and donuts, and I am on a mission to help athletes ditch the diet, overcome food fears, end restriction, conquer binge eating, improve performance, and reclaim their health. In doing so, I strive to create a safe, inclusive, and collaborative environment, while utilizing a trauma-informed approach to care.

That said, I do things DIFFERENTLY around here… For starters, you will NOT find any fad-diets here. In fact, you will NOT find ANY dieting at all… Period. As a nutritional therapist who specializes in sport’s nutrition, the Female Athlete Triad, body image, and relationships with food, I am ANTI-diet, PRO-intuitive eating, and PRO-health at every size (HAES). I believe in cultivating a TRULY healthy relationship with food and looking at each person as a unique individual. NO restrictions; NO food rules; NO guilt, shame, or anxiety. Just food freedom and a science-based approach.


In 2017, Annie Beth Company (Annie Beth Fitness at the time) began as an in-person personal training business. I had recently left a career in architecture (see my story below) and had become a NASM-Certified Personal Trainer. I was eager and excited to help female athletes reach their goals! Specifically, I wanted to help women and girls build healthier relationships with exercise, food, and their bodies… I just didn’t quite know what that looked like yet.

Though I would have considered myself “recovered” from my eating disorder in 2017, at the time, I was still deeply entrenched in diet culture. Heck, I was competing in bodybuilding competitions! Though, I would have told you that I was “anti-diet,” simply because I did not promote fad diets or “extreme” weight loss methods. Nevertheless, I started out by coaching weight loss from an IIFYM perspective. That was… until I learned better.

To make a very long story short, years of trauma, dieting, and pushing my body to the extreme eventually led to HPA-Axis Dysfunction, and I was forced to FINALLY make peace with food, exercise, and my body. Consequently –– between my education at the Nutrition Therapy Institute, learning about the psychology of eating, and going on my own journey of self-acceptance –– my views on health and nutrition began to change. 

In fact, it was during this time that I discovered Intuitive Eating, Health at Every Size (HAES), and the Body Acceptance Movement. It was also during this time that Triad Warriors emerged.

Originally, Triad Warriors was designed to help female athletes overcome the same struggles that I had once overcome. Triad Warriors was designed to help female athletes overcome the Female Athlete Triad, which is a condition defined by under-fueling, amenorrhea, and low bone density. And honestly, this remains a primary goal of Triad Warriors today. However, as I began to dive deeper, I also began to realize how much MORE was involved here.

As humans, we exist in a tripartite. We are bodies, yes. But we are also souls and spirits. Thus, health and our relationships with food are about much more than just food and fitness. Health is a complex integration of our physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, environmental, and social wellbeing, and the ways in which we experience food, our bodies, and the world is a direct result of this complex cumulation of factors.
As a result, Triad Warriors became about MORE than just the Female Athlete Triad. Triad Warriors became a HOLISTIC approach to health. An approach that upholds the physical, mental, and spiritual parts of humanity. An approach that seeks to bring individual freedom to those who are struggling in their relationship to food and body, and justice to the larger systems of oppression that contribute to unhealth (i.e., weight stigma, sexism, racism, etc.). Consequently, the approach at Triad Warriors became about MORE than just food as well.

How we relate to food is about MORE than just food. In fact, things like trauma, genetics, digestion, chemical imbalances, food insecurity, dieting, cultural ideals, life-changing events, relationships, etc. can all impact the ways in which we feel, act, and behave around food. Consequently, building a healthier relationship with food is often about MORE than “ditching the diet,” though that IS a large part of it. Building a healthier relationship with food is often about HEALING; deep healing. Thus, it is my goal and intention to walk alongside you throughout this process of healing.


Personally, healing has been a long journey, but I suppose that is the entire point. Healing IS a journey, not a destination after all, and (more often than not) we do not heal or transform overnight. Sure, some of us DO experience radical healing and transformation overnight. That is called a miracle. However, for most of us, the healing part –– the process of change part –– is just that… a PROCESS. It is an invitation into the lifelong journey of becoming and unbecoming. A lifelong journey of highs and lows, ups and downs. And it’s beautiful.

Thus, the story of healing that I’ve shared below is not yet finished because my story is not yet finished, and neither is yours –– which I hope is good news! Nevertheless, I hope that the healing and freedom that HAS already occurred within my own life will serve as a source of encouragement for you.

With that said, here is my story:



  • Competitive Basketball (12 years)
  • Competitive Running (5 years)
  • 2011 Colfax Half-Marathon – 2:26:34
  • 2012 Eugene Half-Marathon – 1:45:58
  • 2013 Portland Marathon – 3:41:03
  • NPC Steel City 2017 
  • Currently: Weightlifting and Running

Body image is LESS about how your body looks and MORE about how your internal experience of embodiment. Therefore, changing the external cannot and will not fix the internal. At Annie Beth Company, the heart of what we do starts WITHIN.



I believe in the power of knowledge. Therefore, it is my goal to equip each and everyone of my clients with the necessary knowledge, tools, and resources they need in order to see lasting, long-term results. Results that last long after working with me. All of my clients learn WHY we are doing what we are doing.


Every individual is comprised of a unique set of interdependent parts, which work together in order to make up the whole. In short… everything is connected! As a result TRUE health and TRUE food freedom can only be obtained through the practice of addressing ALL parts of the individual’s health… physical, mental, and spiritual.


Health is MUCH more than a number on the scale. Further, your worth has nothing to do with your size, shape, height, weight, skin color, gender, sexuality, (dis)ability, and/or any other factor. Sure, these parts do make you, YOU. These parts are also an important expression of your unique beauty; parts that are worth celebrating. AND, in addition to these intersecting identities, you are a HUMAN. Thus, you are worthy of love, respect, and the pursuit of happiness. ALL are welcome here and ALL will be provided with the opportunity to pursue both food freedom and health in a safe, inclusive environment. I do NOT offer weight loss services.


Curiosity is defined as a desire to know or understand something or someone deeper. Curiosity asks WHY. It seeks answers and understanding. Curiosity refrains from passing judgment. Throughout the journey to food freedom, I encourage each of my clients to remain curious; to ask questions and to seek answers, all without passing judgment. Curiosity is one of the most important factors in finding food freedom and overcoming disordered eating.


Ultimately, we are a TEAM, especially in my one-on-one programs. We will work TOGETHER in order to find the best solution for YOU; the solution that will help YOU reach and maintain your goals for the long term. While working together, you have access to me via email and direct message. I always answer within 72 hours or less.

Change is a journey, NOT a destination. Change is NOT simply about going from point “A” to point “B.” Change is about the thousands of forward and backward movements that happen along the way. Change is about the PROCESS much more than it is about the “finished” product. And besides… we will never really be “finished” anyhow… So, you might as well be present to the here and now. You might as well start living life to the fullest TODAY.